As said in 'Code Name God ' , the connection to the Universe is like making the correction and tuning of frequency with the Universal consciousness. In this purpose the meditation does help us. We are all tintiest of the tiny entities which are known to exist in universe. According to saying of some quantum physicist, the Universal Consciousness for the purpose of giving us a subjective experience, provides us with an ectoplasmic individuality, known as Soul. But it lesser a scientific, more a metaphysical word and so, to avoid any sort of controversy, we apply the term Consciousness. So, it is our responsibility to keep our appliance nourished at any of point of time and more we forget to do it, more malfunctioning we do become.
There are total 114 important processing units in this software, and 7 of them are the most important softwares. These, in terms of Hindu Spirituality are called Chakras.
Just we have the 7 colours in rainbows, 7 days in a week , it is an important symbol of the synchronicity it does maintain with the Universe. By meditation, we do nourish these processing units and make them completely functional. So, here I will just tell you the easiest way to balance all of them to complete working conditions with few easy steps.
1. Do controlled breathing practice atleast 10 minutes a day - We do breath and just forget why we do so. For life, of course. But we don't know that it is an enormous tool for exchange of life force from body to environment. So, take a place where you do feel good and little comfort of just leaning your spine to a wall. Close our eyes, and start breathing and focus on that. Nothing extra, just focus on that breath. Initially for few days you may not be able to focus as a beginner . But day by day, continuing to do it, you will be clearly focusing on your breath. But the question arises that how do you focus? Just listen to the sound. Yes, of course!! But another thing - Feel that you breath in fresh, cool air of positivity into yourself and you are exhaling a warm, and sludgy air of our inner negativity. This augments the effect of the process and makes your concentration deeper and by 21 days or lesser, whatever time you take to grab hold your mind, you will be ready to control the 6th and 7th chakra of your body,called SAHASRĀRA and AGNACHAKRA. Now you are ready to start your spiritual journey.
2. Changes in daily life - Now, to help yourself out a bit more, start changing your food habit, even though you are commuting and have no time , try as much as possible to do so. Share good words with people, it will lmake you feel lighter and lifted, and this is known as lightworking. Other processes of lightworking is doing help to others, giving them wise advices, etc.
Start with these small changes and you will be uplifiting from 3D dimensions of world to a higher dimension. Best of luck!!
Thanks a lot for enriching your readers with such invaluable guidance. Being perfectly aligned with universal conciousness, your initiative will definitely help mass to align also. Thanks once again. Do enrich us like this for years to come.